開幕直前!『electric zoo beach Tokyo』の魅力をお届けする特集第二弾は、いよいよ発表されたタイムテーブルやフロアマップをもとに、FLOOR流のおすすめの遊び方を提案します!

これさえ読めば、より『electric zoo beach Tokyo』が楽しめること間違いなし!

『electric zoo beach Tokyo』はこう遊べ!

今回の『electric zoo beach Tokyo』は、12時よりOCEAN STAGE、13時よりBEACH STAGEとRed Bull MEGA CRUISER STAGEの3ステージがオープンし、国内外から総勢21組ものアーティストが出演。



OCEAN STAGEでは、ネオギャルのカリスマ:植野有砂がオープニングを勤めフロアをウォームアップ。友達とワイワイはしゃぎながら、『electric zoo beach Tokyo』に向けてテンションを高めつつ、いざ!

13:00〜|YAMATO→Paris Blohm

最初の注目は、メインとなるBEACH STAGE。
CDJを4台フル稼働することで可能となる、アヴィーチーも絶賛したYAMATOのスペクタクルなプレイは必見! 今回は昼間、そして舞台はビーチ、いつもとは違うシチュエーションで彼がどんなプレイを見せてくれるのか注目です。


パリス・ブロームをひと通り堪能した後には、OCEAN STAGEのクライオマン・ライヴも見逃せません!『electrox』を魅了したLED電飾全開のロボットたちが織りなす驚愕のライヴ・パフォーマンスは一見の価値アリです。ビーチにクライオマンはちょっと面白そう(笑)。


会場の熱気も高まってきたところで再びBEACH STAGEへ。
ヴィナイ〜リハブという昨今話題のノリノリ・バウンス系EDMバトンもさることながら、DJ MAGのランキング「Top 100 DJs」でも上位に位置するリハブ(23位)〜W&W(18位)と、世界レベルのプレイは必聴!


ただ、同時間にOCEAN STAGEではキャッシュ・キャッシュも登場するだけに……ロック・ファンはOCEAN STAGEへ、EDMファンはBEACH STAGEといったところ!?


世界レベルという意味では、見逃し厳禁なのは初来日となるダイロ。BEACH STAGEのW&W〜ナイフ・パーティの合間に、OCEAN STAGEに登場する彼もぜひ見てほしいところ。
ハードウェルが今最も注目し、「Top 100 DJs」でも27位に付けたその実力は本物です。最先端のエレクトロ・ハウスを奏でているアーティストだとFLOOR編集部も太鼓判を押します!


日も暮れはじめ、フィナーレに向けてのさらなる盛り上がりに期待がかかる終盤戦。BEACH STAGEに登場するは、アグレッシヴなサウンドで世界を揺らし続けるナイフ・パーティ。
既存のEDMとはまたひと味違うそのプレイは、会場をさらに熱くしてくれるでしょう! 夕焼けに染まるナイフ・パーティ、その切れ味は激ヤバです。


そんなナイフ・パーティと同時間帯、OCEAN STAGEでは、トリとなるダブズがステージへ。
「Top 100 DJs」では今年20位に入った彼ら。そのプレイもさることながら、客煽りまくり、何が起こるかわからないそのパフォーマンスは世界を席巻中。そんな彼らがビーチを舞台に彼らが何をやらかしてくれるのか……何があっても覚悟して行くこと。

19:40〜|Steve Aoki


あとは、いつものケーキ投げにボートクルーズも出るかな〜。今回は大トリなだけにさらなるパフォーマンスもあるかもね! 彼なら最後の一瞬まできっと楽しませてくれるハズ!

それも『electric zoo beach Tokyo』の大きな魅力

いまやそれがフェスの新常識。ここでは、そんなフェス・ファッションの最新トレンドとともに『electric zoo beach Tokyo』ならではのオススメ・スタイルを紹介!


まずは、本家『electric zoo』でももはや定番となっているzoo(アニマル)ファッション。
コスプレとはまたひと味違って、オシャレでかわいく、かっこよく! そうすればきっとニーブラ間違いなし!





あとは、会場がビーチなだけにやっぱり水着! 相変わらず人気のフリルやモノキニ、ハイウエスト、夏本番を前に今年の新作のお披露目! なんていうのもアリかもね。
もっともっと目立ちたい! っていう人にはネオギーク系も。もはやなんでもアリのこのスタイル。キャラもの、露出系、とにかくド派手&個性的にいくのも楽しいですよ!


会場で必ず役にたつ、『electric zoo beach Tokyo』に持って行くべきマスト・アイテムはコチラ!

□ サングラス


□ 踊りやすい靴

ビーチでヒールは絶対アウト! 動きづらさマックスだし、踊れないし。

□ 小型バッグ


□ 日焼け止め・リップ


□ 汗拭きシート


□ フラッグ




Opening just before! Special second series to deliver the charm of the “electric zoo beach Tokyo”, based on the time table and floor map, which was announced finally, proposes how to play Featured FLOOR flow!
Furthermore, by type of Fess fashion and mast item also pick up!

If you read even this, a more “electric zoo beach Tokyo” is sure to enjoy!

“Electric zoo beach Tokyo” do this play!
FLOOR recommended timetable

“Electric zoo beach Tokyo” of this time, 12 OCEAN STAGE, 13 BEACH STAGE and the three stages of the Red Bull MEGA CRUISER STAGE is more open than o’clock pm, artists appeared a total of 21 spider from home and abroad.
And it is and, if there are many people Has Nante …… you get lost and should play.

This time to ANATA, we will introduce a timetable recommended to enjoy heartily enjoy the act of our attention!


After all, from the open If you anyway go!
When you arrive at local, first while the Haragoshirae with food court, it’s try to enjoy a great location in the beach ◎. Before the feast, which now begins, the prepared & delusion time soaking up the sun at the beach.
In OCEAN STAGE, charisma of Neogyaru: Ueno Yusuna warm up the floor served as the opening. While hilarity piled with friends, while increasing the tension towards the “electric zoo beach Tokyo”, emergency!

13:00〜|YAMATO→Paris Blohm

The first attention, BEACH STAGE that becomes the main.
There, the world will recognize technical DJ: YAMATO, and Nicky Romero also young Paris Blohm appeared attention.
CDJ it is possible in the four that the full run, spectacular play of YAMATO that Avicii was also acclaimed to be missed! This time during the day, and the stage the beach, is he in a different situation always with attention or show us any play.
In addition, up-and-coming last year “Colors” was hit: Paris Blohm. A set with a focus on electro, it will us to hotter the beach of burning that YAMATO was created. To young up-and-coming two of play, suddenly tension Max definitely!


The Paris Blohm after fluent short account can not miss the cryo-Man Live of OCEAN STAGE! Startle of live performance that robots of LED illumination fully open that fascinated “electrox” weave is worth a look ant. Cryo-Man is little interesting to the beach (laughs).


Venue hot air even have a place in to again BEACH STAGE the growing of.
Here Vu~inai of from Rihab ~W & W, like “Tomorrowland” and “ULTRA”, overseas EDM system Big festival just like the flow of super prime inevitable!
In recent years even more than the spirits bounce system EDM baton of topic of Vu~inai – Rihab, and Rihab is located in the upper level, even ranking “Top 100 DJs” of DJ MAG (23 place) ~W & W (18-position), world-class play It must listen!

The play of world-wide current progressive form is a great opportunity to feel in the skin. It is also too best just to …… imagine the beach while bathed in sunshine, there is just dance Paradise!

However, …… rock fans and only to also appear OCEAN STAGE in cash cache at the same time to OCEAN STAGE, EDM fans place such BEACH STAGE!?


In the sense that the world level, and Dairo that is overlooked strictly prohibited Nanoha first visit to Japan. In between W & W~ knife-party BEACH STAGE, where I want him to look all means that appeared in OCEAN STAGE.
The most attention Hardwell is now, its ability to put # 27 in “Top 100 DJs” is a real thing. FLOOR editing unit that it is artists that played the state-of-the-art electro-house also press the hallmark!


Sun also started late, late warfare expected according to a further upsurge of towards the finale. Appeared to BEACH STAGE, the knife-party continue to shake the world with aggressive sound.
The play from that of the existing EDM also Quirky would us to further heat up the venue! Knife-party stain sunset, the sharpness is super Yaba.


Such knife-party and the same time zone, the OCEAN STAGE, Dubs that becomes the birds to the stage.
In the “Top 100 DJs” they entered the # 20 this year. While that monkey the play also rolled aftermath customer, you do not know what will happen the performance in sweeping the world. Such that they they the beach on the stage is going to expect even if there is anything …… what to me Yarakashi.

19:40〜|Steve Aoki

And last is a large bird, of the world (Steve) Aoki.
The play is no longer let alone. In addition to the parade of the latest EDM, this time met with soon release new album, and should that surely is also one after another of his new song play. That it is different also expect large in fresh set as ever.

Furthermore, as usual in the performance, or show us what naughty on the beach. The first no doubt, water gun (Dobbs also I likely to do). Venue is only met with beach water entanglement of performance multi likely, the front row will no doubt soaked (be careful!).
After that, ~ kana boat cruise also go out to throw the usual cake. Maybe there is also additional performance this time the only large bird! Has it makes me surely entertained until his If the last moment!

Enjoy the fashion
Big attraction of it also “electric zoo beach Tokyo”

If you go to the festival, in their own way of fashion!
Now new common sense it is a festival. Here, we introduce the recommended style of unique “electric zoo beach Tokyo” with the latest trends of such Fess Fashion!

1|Zoo fashion

First of all, Honke “electric zoo” are no longer become a staple even zoo (Animal) fashion.
Monkey and tiger, rabbit Nante commonplace, it’s not there even to try to challenge more and more because what precious “zoo”!?
Cosplay and also unlike homeopathic, fashionable and cute, and cool! The Nashi Nibura mistake surely if so!

2|Neo GAL

You can easily find Ikeike women, after all Neogyaru system.
This style of overseas trend forefront, anyway unique & fashionable keyword. FIG & VIPER, centered on items of popular brands such as EVRIS, hair & make-up be determined pat, to hog the beach of the line-of-sight with their own way of style!

3|Rave & Tribal

Fes and Labor system Once you have made. It hippie something okay, now ethnic that is again a comeback in popularity.
The Flower crown to dance easy summer dress. It ‘s standard, fact, festival magic of it looks the most cute is!

After that, still swimwear venue only is the beach! Still popular ruffles and Monokini, high waist, and the unveiling of this year’s new before the summer production! Maybe Ali is also the I say.
More I want more noticeable! Even Neogiku system to people Tteyuu. No longer anything this style of Ali. Character stuff, exposure system, anyway flashy and unique to it is fun going!

Finally ……
Necessities summary of the festival that should not be forgotten

Always stand on the role at the venue, mast item that should bring in “electric zoo beach Tokyo” is here!

□ Sunglasses

Since definitely sunlight strong sunglasses necessities. Absolute suffer when there is no (eye and become a pain!).
You can easily find anyway, to try to had made a single this summer.

□ Dancing shoes

Heel is absolutely out at the beach! Movement’s a Zura of Max, I do not dance.
After that, beach sandals also NG just because it is the beach. …… Is instant death at that point Once stepped on the foot in the packed dance floor.
Me-ippai you want if you dance easy to wear familiar with shoes fun!

□ Small bag

Dance like people anyway, small bag (especially shoulder system) Recommended. Money also smartphone also topple dance with in the bag!
Towards the festival novice, hand is’s a Jama to dance, let’s quit because there is a possibility of loss.

□ Sunscreen, lip balm

It though is good and if I also turned to Ganguro and …. So as not to regret later.

□ Sweat wiping sheet

This is also festival of must-have item. Since such Nashi sweat definitely a great help when you want to clean. Handkerchief Tissue also not forget.

□ Flag

Well see various places of the national flag flag abroad festival. Useful because sometimes rugs, Sun also used as a muffler outer After falling!

Besides, for the outer also just in case there is a possibility that night a little chilly.
After that, it is best if there is also change of clothes something for when it becomes sweat Bichobicho.